Innovative Orthodontics

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Orthognathic Surgery

Corrective jaw surgery (orthognathic surgery) treats and corrects abnormalities of the facial bones, specifically the jaw and teeth.

If misaligned, these can cause difficulty when chewing, talking, sleeping, and more. State-of-the-art materials such as titanium plates and miniature screws provide stability, strength, and predictability to your treatment.

Orthognathic Surgery involves moving the bones of the upper or lower jaw or both. The jaws are lengthened or shortened, moved up or down, in or out, resulting in a more harmonious bite and facial appearance. it is a complex surgery and because of the intricacies of occlusion and the combined effect on the facial appearance when moving the teeth and jaws, orthognathic surgery must be carefully planned.

Because of its complexity, a team approach is used. The team consists of your orthodontist and oral surgeon and occasionally your general dentist and other dental specialists including periodontists and endodontists.

Dr. Crouch collaborates with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon to create your treatment plan. Dr. Crouch served as co-director of the UW orthodontic-orthognatic surgery clinic for seven years.

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