Innovative Orthodontics

Services that do so much more than just straighten your smile.

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When we remove your braces, we will begin the supervised retention stage of your treatment. Your final orthodontic result depends on your retainers, so follow through with the hard work you’ve put in so far. You can choose the color of your retainer to add a personal touch.

There are two basic types of retainers: removable and permanent. Your orthodontist helps you choose the best type for you based on what you needed braces for and any conditions you might have. You may be given only one type, or you may receive a removable retainer for your top teeth and a permanent one for your bottom teeth.

A retainer keeps your teeth from moving after they’ve been straightened with braces. It can take at least four to six months for the new position of your teeth to become permanent. During that time, your teeth will try to shift back to their original position, which is called relapse. When used as instructed, a retainer prevents this from happening.

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(253) 471-2222
(360) 459-1333
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