Innovative Orthodontics

Services that do so much more than just straighten your smile.

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Exams & Check-Ups

Our expert team knows each patient is an individual and has his or her own personal needs. Therefore, we actively work to accommodate patients of all ages - both young and old. Our exams reflect this as they are designed around you and your treatment. Learn more about what to expect during a new patient exam.

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Early Treatment

Early interceptive orthodontic treatment has proven to be beneficial for children as young as seven years because the child’s permanent teeth have not finished erupting. During the initial exam, we will identify problems, such as potential crowding, open bite, overbite, or gummy smiles. If action is required, we will create a personalized treatment plan for your child.

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Adult Treatment

Dr. Crouch and Dr. Gollaher will work together with your dentist to develop your personaliszed treatment plan and discuss your options. Crooked teeth and a bad bite can contribute to gum and bone loss, tooth decay, abnormal wear of the tooth enamel and surfaces, headaches, and jaw joint (TMJ/TMD) pain. Orthodontic treatment at later stages in life can improve your appearance, self-esteem, and the health of your teeth. Advancements in adult treatment allow us to move teeth in a more gentle and efficient way.

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Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are made of translucent (clear) material. They are barely visible, discreet, and produce great smile results. These types of braces can also align teeth faster than other treatment options.

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Invisalign® straightens your teeth without wires and brackets, using a series of clear, customized, removable aligners. Using 3-D computer technology, these aligners are created to move your teeth gradually into place. They're virtually undetectable, which means hardly anyone will know you’re straightening your teeth. The best thing about Invisalign? You can take them out to eat, brush, and floss - so they have a minimal impact on your life!

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Indirect Bonding

This technique helps to make the process of getting braces smoother, virtually painless, and more efficient. The process begins by making a model of your teeth. Next, we accurately place each bracket where it should go on each tooth. We then make a custom tray to transfer the lab brackets over to your teeth. We place all the brackets at once in just 15-20 minutes. All agree this is the most accurate method to place braces. Dr Crouch has used this technology for years and teaches it to other orthodontists in North America.

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Orthognathic Surgery

Corrective jaw surgery (orthognathic surgery) treats and corrects abnormalities of the facial bones, specifically the jaw and teeth. If misaligned, these can cause difficulty when chewing, talking, sleeping, and more. State-of-the-art materials such as titanium plates and miniature screws provide stability, strength, and predictability to your treatment. Dr. Crouch collaborates with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon to create your treatment plan. Dr. Crouch served as co -director of the UW orthodontic-orthognatic surgery clinic for seven years.

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When we remove your braces, we will begin the supervised retention stage of your treatment. Your final orthodontic result depends on your retainers, so follow through with the hard work you’ve put in so far. You can choose the color of your retainer to add a personal touch.

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 Let's Talk About Your smile


(253) 471-2222
(360) 459-1333
(253) 848-9591
(425) 510-1711

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